All residents are doing life together; whether this is cooking and cleaning or attending church and other community events together. Residents are providing support to one another and creating a home where all belong. Creating relationships and positive habits that will last a lifetime will allow our residents to build upon a foundation of success.
You are meant to THRIVE! Jesus came so you can have life to the full. The values that mold our mission at Thrive House, Inc. are found throughout the Bible. Thrive House ensures that each resident can attend church weekly and residents are encouraged to spend time in the Word daily. Each resident will be gifted a Bible upon admittance to the house. Guest pastors may also speak at our homes occasionally.
All our residents must be actively engaged in a recovery program, which includes routine meetings. This could include NA/AA, outpatient treatment, counseling, etc. Additionally, medication-assisted recovery programs are welcome in our homes.
At Thrive House we have several contacts with local employers and employment companies that understand our residents' situations and are willing to offer employment. We can make the connections, but essentially it is up to the resident to put his or her best foot forward to earn a job and keep it.
At Thrive House we want all our residents to understand what it takes to be financially responsible. We encourage all residents to open a checking account. We will have speakers that will educate our residents on topics such as how to balance a check book, how to create a personal budget, retirement accounts, savings, how to purchase a home and much more.
Thrive House living is a new way of fun! We want to have fun together through weekly house meals, game nights, sporting events, concerts and other community events. In addition, we want to volunteer together to help make the lives of others in our community better.
Thrive House, Inc. is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.
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